Ślub Ewy i Arka odbył się w samym sercu Lublina. Najpierw ceremonia na starówce w Trybunale, później przyjęcie w Hotelu Europa. Ewa wyglądała nieprzeciętna w sukience, którą sama przerabiała. Na przyjęciu grał DJ doskonale miksujący największe hity naszej młodości, tak więc rytmy wyjątkowo sprzyjały zabawie. Oprócz naszych fotografii wspaniałą retro pamiątką z wesela będą zdjęcia wykonane jednorazowymi aparatami na klisze, które podczas przyjęcia młodzi rozdali gościom. To jeden z tych pomysłów, które bezwarunkowo trzeba dorzucić do ślubnych inspiracji!
Ewa and Arek's wedding was held in Lublin, Poland. Firstly, the ceremony in the heart of Lublin Old Town and then a reception in Europa Hotel. Ewa looked stunning in the dress she altered on her own. DJ was amazing, choosing tracks we know from the nineties. Apart of our pictures, Ewa and Arek also decided to give their guests disposable cameras and we are sure it'll be great retro-thing to have. It's an idea not to forget when you gonna think over all those "little things" which are to make your wedding special!
Ewa and Arek's wedding was held in Lublin, Poland. Firstly, the ceremony in the heart of Lublin Old Town and then a reception in Europa Hotel. Ewa looked stunning in the dress she altered on her own. DJ was amazing, choosing tracks we know from the nineties. Apart of our pictures, Ewa and Arek also decided to give their guests disposable cameras and we are sure it'll be great retro-thing to have. It's an idea not to forget when you gonna think over all those "little things" which are to make your wedding special!

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